Sunday, November 29, 2009
Lookin for my friends
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
don't be an Eric

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Eyes have it

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009
Extreme sissy

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
shut up and color

Sunday, November 8, 2009
if love was measured by balloons

Saturday, November 7, 2009
you say it's your birthday...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Yes is the new No

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
that guy

Monday, October 26, 2009
Jamaica bound

Sunday, October 25, 2009
make sure you vote...

Saturday, October 24, 2009
regular people

Thursday, October 22, 2009
time flies

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
sale pending

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
web fishers

Sunday, October 11, 2009
worst customer service ever!

The "dry cleaning center" located 1130 Hill Rd N Pickerington Oh 43147 is BY FAR the worst customer service I have ever experienced.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
root beer float

Last night I got to go to Dayton to speak to the youth. It was awesome and I had a great time.
When I was finishing up the message I encouraged the students to come talk to me if they had questions about the Jesus I was telling telling them about.
I went to sit down but before I even sat down there was a young man that leaned over and gave me a really serious sad look and said "I have 2 questions". I compassionately put my hand on his shoulder and said "what's up buddy?" Here is the conversation as I recall it...
He looked at me then looked down, then locked eyes with me and said "can I still get a root beer float?"... (they made floats that night and he wanted to make sure there was some left). I said, "I am sure you can after we are done." I was looking around for the cameras thinking I was being punked.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
why me

Sunday, October 4, 2009
free lunch?

Saturday, October 3, 2009
what the heck is that...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
the plan

Friday, September 25, 2009
3 things about you

kill the rabbit

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
tippy toe

Saturday, September 19, 2009
bra shopping

Thursday, September 17, 2009
always room for RaeRae

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
who cares

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
time to get serious

After I turned 30 (yes that was a year or so ago...), it got harder and I didn't have the energy I once had.
Someone gave me a product from advocare called "spark". This was before the big energy drink craze hit so we didn't know what to expect.
WOW - I thought I could run through a wall. I was focused and didn't feel tired or run down. Deni tried it and we wondered if this stuff was legal. Not only is it legal, it is good for you - COME ON NOW!!!!
I gave some to my dad and he has been drinking it for years. He gets up about 4am and when he gets home he used to have to take a nap. Since he started drinking spark, he said my mom loves it because he gets home and does the "honey do" list instead of napping... it was a win for the whole family.
Over the years Deni and I have tried some more of their products and LOVED them. So after some thought and prayer, we decided to talk to someone about making an investment into the company, so we did.
We ordered some product and are gonna give it a shot. We are starting off with a 24 day challenge to better health.
This 24 day challenge gives you enough product to complete a full 10 day cleanse, meal replacement shakes, energy drinks, appetite and sweets control, vitamins...
It is guaranteed to help you lose some weight and have more energy. Who wouldn't want that?
The cost is around $7 a day (do the math and it comes out to $190), but you are not going to have to buy your coffee or lunch on those days not to mention the energy drinks and vitamins, so you get plenty to justify the cost. Go without the morning Starbucks & your combo meal at lunch and you are there.
We have a few people already taking the challenge with us so it should be fun. I will keep you posted.
My point: I can't put a price on health. I am tired of being tired and not getting maximum results from my workouts. I need a plan and accountability - partnered with some great supplements.
If you are interested in the challenge, let me know. If you want to take a look at the site it is
If you already take supplements, vitamins, energy drinks... give the advocare brand a shot & let me know what you think.
Thursday, April 30, 2009

To break away from certain food/beverages that are not promoting a healthy lifestlye. A bonus would be to lose weight.
The food:
Each participant will submit 2 things that do not promote a healthy diet. (Names will not be attached to the item so you won’t know who you want to kill.)
DO NOT submit things just because you think it will be hard for others. This is not to make it hard for other people, it is to help you develop self-discipline and break bad food habits.
The workouts:
Each person will be required to workout at least 3 days a week for a minimum of 40 minutes.
A “workout” can be with weights, cardio, wii fit… it must be an intentional workout. This doesn’t include housework, or physical work that you already do. It must be a time set aside to workout.
Please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be. You know what a workout is, don’t look for loopholes or try to find a lazy way to get credit – do the workouts!!!
The penalties:
I will compile a list of the top 10-15 things mentioned. You have to pick one other item that YOU will go without. Once the list is compiled, NO ONE will be allowed to eat anything from the list.
For example: cheese may not be on the list that everyone has to go without but it may be something you want / need to give up. So you would do the list + cheese.
If you eat anything from the list, or your other item specific to you, then you owe a $5.00 penalty. I think the penalty has to hurt. If it were only a quarter or dollar – you may think it is ok to cheat. The penalty has to be painful.
There is a $25 “I am a loser without any self control, so I quit” fee.
In other words, if you quit, you still owe all the penalty money AND a $25 fee. This is all “honor system” so if you think you may have cheated, YOU DID!!!
The Honor system:
You are responsible, under the “honor system” to report to me if/when you cheat.
I will keep a running list and blog the results at the end of each week (more if necessary)
You need to email me as you cheat and I can keep a running total of what you owe and will keep everyone updated on the total in the “penalty pot”.
The Deadlines:
If you know anyone who would like to participate, please tell them to email me their 2 items by Friday May 1st so I can have the list posted to my blog by Sun the 3rd, to begin on Monday May 4th. Please let me know what questions you have before we begin. I will post the list and your personal item on my blog by Sun May 3rd.
The Rewards: I am sure it will benefit you physically and mentally. Your emotions are up to you… again, if you think you can’t do it, that is one of the very reasons you should try it.
The winner: The person who wins (cheats the least amount of times) wins all the penalty money. If there is more than one person that “wins” – they will split the money.
The guilt statement: I swear, with God as my witness, that I have read and understand every word of this agreement.By “e-signing this”, I agree to all the stated terms.
Name (type your name & email back) Date
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
praying tiger

This is absolutely crazy. I am definitely one of those people who thought "pickerington - really", this stuff doesn't happen around here... but it did.
With incredibly stupid things comes the opportunity for incredibly awesome things. My daughter Shayna is in Jr high. She texted me to pray because the school went on lockdown Friday. Of course I prayed & asked others to do so as well.
Here is the awesome part: Shayna didn't just ask others to pray, she prayed too. I was so proud of her when she said other people were freaking out but she remained calm. At least outwardly she was. She said she was nervous on the inside but what good would it do to show it. It would've just added to the chaos and feelings of fear in others.
Instead of panicking, she chose to be a voice of calm to her friends. During one of her classes, a group was talking about the "what if" scenarios. She stopped them and led them in a prayer. I almost cried when she told me this (I am almost crying now...).
When I was in 7th grade, I would've been one making jokes outwardly and silently praying and freaking out on the inside. I would NEVER be caught praying with my friends. I was too cool (or so I thought).
My little girl is a proud member of the Pickerington Tigers, and that day she became a "praying tiger"...
My point: you find out who you are when things get stressful. What is on the inside comes out. Who you are is made clear under pressure.
I am so proud that Shayna was able to call upon help from the One who has all the answers. I am so excited that she wasn't embarrassed to pray in front of her friends.
I am glad that she didn't get in trouble for praying in school...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I am back

I have been gone from the blogosphere for awhile. I am sure both of you missed me...
I put blogging on hold while we took part in the C3 ManUp challenge. It was based on the movie "Fireproof". We grabbed about 50 guys and participated in the "love dare" from the movie.
Part of the challenge was to journal. Since I was journaling, I chose to pause my blog. Call it lazy or focused but I didn't want to do both.
C3 decided that we wanted to put an emphasis on the marriage relationship and that started with the men. We divided them into 2 teams, Konan had a team and I had one. We had to track the challenges daily.
Each day we could get up to 3 points. 1 if we read the devo. 1 if we accomplished the dare and 1 if we journaled. We could get anywhere from 0 - 3 points per day.
I was responsible for making sure my team was not only doing it but tracking the results. After 40 days, we have heard some AMAZING stories of LifeChange.
I will share some of the stories in the coming days. I will say this was an awesome journey that I will never forget.
My point: it is amazing what happens when you make Godly principles a priority in your life and marriage.
Oh, and before you even have to ask - of course my team won!!!