It was a little difficult because these people know you and can tell if what you are saying is really true or what you just wish was true about yourself. It is sometimes awkward to say positive things about yourself - why is that?
It was also kind of funny to see those who had their spouse next to them would say a word then look to their spouse for approval. If they didn't get what they were looking for they would say "right" or try to explain why they said it.
One of the benefits to being in a community group is that you can be real honest and others are going to be honest with you. It is hard to continue being who you want people to think you are. These people know if you really are what you say you are. I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if we all wrote 3 words to describe the other and see if our personal words matched. Maybe we will do that at the end...
My point: Who you are and who you want people to think you are can be totally different. If we continue to experience LifeChange, we will be who Christ wants us to be and that is what really matters.
I said I am: funny, honest and loyal (feel free to add your own or agree/disagree with mine)
What 3 things do you want people to say about you - then go be those things...
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