It is great to be able to just hang out and be real. Some people expect you to be a certain way just because you hold a certain position or carry a certain title. I guess I have never really been into that. Just because I am a pastor doesn't mean I don't have problems or struggle with certain things. It also doesn't mean that I don't think certain things are funny and that I can't laugh.
I guess what I am saying is that sometimes we put such high expectations on people just because they see them on TV, in a movie or in the corner office. Even though we all hold different positions and responsibilities, we are all just real people.
Don't try to be something you are not or try to impress people by being fake and phony. Be yourself and have fun being real.
My point: Everyone has things that we can change for the better but in the meantime, have a blast living and loving life. Treat people the way you want to be treated and live your life in a way that you can look back on and be proud of.
Can you tell who the "celebrity" is in this pic. This is what he would look like if he were just a "regular person"...
I like this---so true
I like this---so true
I don't think Tom Cruise would actually look like that! LOL! ;)
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