The "dry cleaning center" located 1130 Hill Rd N Pickerington Oh 43147 is BY FAR the worst customer service I have ever experienced.
I took my suit to be cleaned and she told me a price and time to pick it up. I found a coupon for half off and asked for it to be applied to my order when I went to pick it up.
She gave me some lame excuse about not being able to use it on a rush order. I never asked for a rush order and asked to please use it (it would've saved me $5.00). She said no, so I asked if I could talk to the manager. She told me there was no manager and swiped my credit card charging me the full amount.
I told her that wasn't right and there are no restrictions on this coupon and it wasn't right to just swipe my card. I asked if the manager could call me because I was not happy with the way I was being treated. She gave me my suit and asked me to leave. I said I was very unhappy and if I wanted to play like she was I could stop the payment to her. That set her off...
She practically dove over the counter and grabbed my just dry cleaned suit - wrinkling the crap out of it and ripping the plastic and bending the mess out of the hanger. She ordered me to give it back and pay cash. I said are you kidding me, I already paid for it and showed her my receipt (like she could've possibly forgot). She said I couldn't get my already paid for suit unless I paid cash and threatened to call the police. I looked around to see if I was on a hidden video show because she was still trying to get my suit out of my hands.
I said, please call the police because they are gonna show up and see my receipt and make you give me my suit. She kept hold of my suit with one hand, put the phone to her ear with the other and called the police. The next words she used shocked me!
(in an oriental accent) "please come quick, irate man, yelling and screaming, very angry, gonna hit me, I am fearful..."
I started laughing and let go of the suit and backed out of the store. I said, "woman you are out of your mind, that is not true at all and that is just flat out wrong". I asked her if she realized that the police are going to come and give me my suit. She said I would never get it and stood there looking at me with her arms crossed and half a smile...
The police came and questioned us and needless to say, I got my suit. It was now very wrinkled but I got it...
My point: Don't go to the dry cleaning center in Pickerington unless you want the WORST customer service you have ever had.
What would you have done???
This stuff only happens to you my friend....Only You!!!
I thought I was the only person that ran into these types of people. Amen for standing up to her, sorry you have to get your suit re-pressed, I have a bunch of dry cleaning coupons in our new entertainment book if you want some.
she totally would have gotten a finger in her EYE!!!
Maybe that is the same woman that used to work at a Chinese Restaurant on Brice Road. Beth tried to order Cashew Chicken and asked for no mushrooms and the lady went ballistic. She yelled at Beth, 'NO SPECIAL ORDER! YOU WILL CONFUSE THE COOKS!' That place closed down (wonder why?) so maybe she opened a Dry Cleaning business!
That's like the time that Robin started eating crab legs from a Chinese buffet at 3:59 when the crab legs were a part of the dinner menu which began at 4:00. The lady came up to the table, took Robins plate of crab legs and said, "No crab legs , not time yet!
But the police, umm, wow.
Odds are she doesn't have enough money to support the business or her family. The sad part is, she feels so desperate she couldn't give you the $5.00 she committed to give you. Think about that - $5.00. Desperation manifests into hopelessness when you have no faith. She is lost Gary. It is easy to see why she behaves the way she does. She doesn't realize she has an amazing God. Because of that she will lose more then just her business.
Wow Gary! I complain about terrible customer service all the time, but that is about the worst story I have heard!! Glad you stood up to her!
I had the SAME thing happen to me at the same dry cleaning place! Grr. -Shannon Freed
"NO DRY CLEANING FOR YOU" says the Dry Cleaning Nazi! NEXT! LOL!
The best part about this story? I can totally see you in this situation and I can imagine your facial expressions - I would have given you $5.00 to see it. You need to start traveling with a camcorder. -Jillian
Wow, that is crazy. Have you contacted the Better Business Bureau about this?
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