We hear that so often. When I look at my children I can say it just about everyday. When I take the time to think that I have a child older than I am in this pic (actually she is 2x as old as I was in this pic), it really takes on a new meaning...
I was filling out paperwork to purchase a new home and it asked how long I have been in my current position at C3 and I couldn't believe our church is about 3 years old. Time flies when you are living the dream.
I want to make sure I take the time to enjoy every season of my life at this amazing church and the life of my girls. I have a different perspective as I get older. I am a lot more easy going so when I run into hyper people with hot headed tempers that take life way to serious, I just think - chill out (after I think "jerk")...
My point: enjoy your life. One day you will be looking back on your 4th grade pic wondering what everyone is doing and you get to be the one saying: Livin the dream...
How do you want your life to be 20 years from now - go make it happen
Can you find me in this picture?
three from the right, second row. HA!
wrong: I am actually in the top row 5th from the right... good guess tho!
Cute! You know, I was just thinking about this the other day b/c I'm turning 29 next month and my hubby is turning 35 this year. It goes so fast; we need to cherish every single day!
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