After I turned 30 (yes that was a year or so ago...), it got harder and I didn't have the energy I once had.
Someone gave me a product from advocare called "spark". This was before the big energy drink craze hit so we didn't know what to expect.
WOW - I thought I could run through a wall. I was focused and didn't feel tired or run down. Deni tried it and we wondered if this stuff was legal. Not only is it legal, it is good for you - COME ON NOW!!!!
I gave some to my dad and he has been drinking it for years. He gets up about 4am and when he gets home he used to have to take a nap. Since he started drinking spark, he said my mom loves it because he gets home and does the "honey do" list instead of napping... it was a win for the whole family.
Over the years Deni and I have tried some more of their products and LOVED them. So after some thought and prayer, we decided to talk to someone about making an investment into the company, so we did.
We ordered some product and are gonna give it a shot. We are starting off with a 24 day challenge to better health.
This 24 day challenge gives you enough product to complete a full 10 day cleanse, meal replacement shakes, energy drinks, appetite and sweets control, vitamins...
It is guaranteed to help you lose some weight and have more energy. Who wouldn't want that?
The cost is around $7 a day (do the math and it comes out to $190), but you are not going to have to buy your coffee or lunch on those days not to mention the energy drinks and vitamins, so you get plenty to justify the cost. Go without the morning Starbucks & your combo meal at lunch and you are there.
We have a few people already taking the challenge with us so it should be fun. I will keep you posted.
My point: I can't put a price on health. I am tired of being tired and not getting maximum results from my workouts. I need a plan and accountability - partnered with some great supplements.
If you are interested in the challenge, let me know. If you want to take a look at the site it is www.advocare.com
If you already take supplements, vitamins, energy drinks... give the advocare brand a shot & let me know what you think.
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