I love the chaos of black Friday. I like getting up at 4am just to go watch the people going bonkers trying to get the deal of a lifetime.
This past Sunday, Konan talked about being rich and how easy it is to fall into the "debt trap". It was a great message. To illustrate the point that debt is a trap, he took one of Hannah's favorite dolls in the whole wide world and stuck it in a rat trap.
The dolls name is Eric. He is your typical average everyday person who wants to keep up with the neighbors and always wants newer, bigger, shinier... but getting those things comes with a price - debt (or in this case, your neck stuck in a stinkin' rat trap).
He staged a scenario where Eric was contemplating buying something he could not afford. After trying his hardest to stop him (he actually screamed at this doll "don't do it Eric"), Eric proceeded to take the bait of debt and it got him years of paying for something he couldn't afford.
My point: black Friday is coming soon and then Christmas. Is what you go into debt for really worth the hours you will have to work to pay it off - that is IF you can actually ever pay it off.
Don't be an Eric, if you can't afford it, pass. Don't walk around with your head stuck in the rat trap of debt...
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