//Tomorrow is promised to no one, so what choice are you going to make today
//Find out who it is that God says you are, then believe it - live it out!
//God allows us to struggle in order to learn lessons we couldn't experience any other way
//Acknowledge Him in all your ways & he will direct your path (pr 3:5-6)
//Stay REAL! Dont imitate, ...Duplicate. BE yourself and LOVE yourself, and know that the only one that can JUDGE you is Jesus Christ, himself.
//Don't lose heart! Trials are temporary, focus on eternity (2 cor 4:16-18)
//You are not an accident. God has a very special purpose and plan for your life. He loves you unconditionally and wants to help you live out His purpose for your life.
//Life is full of choices, choose wisely.
//You WILL stand before God and give an account for the way you live this life
My point: you never know when the last time you see someone is the last time you will see them. We challenged them to make every encounter one that they would be ok being remembered that way.
After we presented our "1 thing" we had some of the students share the 1 thing they would say to someone if they knew they would never see them again and I was BLOWN AWAY.
These students are incredible and we as a team, are honored and humbled to be part of such amazing people.
What is the 1 thing you would say...