Saturday, April 23, 2011

who dresses these kids

Does anyone else see what I see?

I have a Rockin' MOM
Mommy's little angel
I think if I try hard enough I could go thru old boxes in the basement and find an old bib or something with a statement about daddy but what the heck...

I was giving my wife a hard time the other day when I came home to see my two littlest princess' dressed in "mommy" shirts. I made them stand together and forced my wife to read them out loud just to make sure she saw what I saw. We had a good laugh (I only laughed on the outside, inside I was bawling like a baby) and went about our day. 

My point: I agree with both statements on these shirts. My wife is "Rockin" and Raegan is a little angel. I love that my wife takes great care of them and it is her right to buy them clothes that make positive "mommy" statements. 

I know my girls love me. I gotta go, I am going shopping to find them some clothes - if they happen to have a "daddy" statement, it will be a total coincidence...

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