Thursday, April 7, 2011

embrace the chaos

My wife and 2 youngest daughters went out of town for a few days. Of course I knew I would miss them but I figured I make the most of the peace & quiet.

Before they left, Hannah was playing and hanging on my leg. I asked her to stop because I couldn't walk, then Raegan wanted "up daddy, up" and I told her to wait a minute while I finished what I was doing.

I looked at Deni and said, you know as soon as they are gone I am gonna wish Hannah was hanging on my leg while Rae is wanting me to hold her...

They aren't gonna be gone long but I really miss the chaos. I miss hearing the noise of the scooters riding thru the kitchen, I want to hear "mommy, Raegan isn't helping me clean up" or "mommy, Hannah took that from me". I want to have to tell them to "stop playing and eat your dinner".

Then it's the bedtime routine - bath is always interesting followed by the reasons they are not ready for bed yet. They need the story - a drink of water - you forgot to turn on my light - I can't find my stuffed bear I sleep with... Then and only then can you try to squeeze in some down time. Maybe catch a TV show but then you gotta get ready for tomorrow.

I look at my 2 youngest girls (ages 5 & 3) then look Shayna (age 14) and think - I LOVE my life. I enjoy  the ages and all the drama & chaos that comes with it.

My point: could I use some more peace & quiet - we all could, but I would rather have the chaos with my girls then the quiet without them. The quiet will come way too soon, so I will embrace the chaos and create some lasting memories.

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