Deni and I just attended a great marriage retreat to focus on communication tools to help us have better relationships with each other and everyone around us. It made us focus on what we have control over… OURSELVES!!!
We are only responsible for our feelings and what we choose to do with them. When we get frustrated, mad, sad or whatever, we have the choice what to do with those feelings. We can choose to react and direct those feelings toward someone else in an unhealthy way or we can choose to own them and “respond with integrity”. That means respond in a way you would be proud to tell others. A lot of times we react without thinking and mow down people closest to us. When we respond with integrity we don’t have to say things like “I wish I wouldn’t have said that” or “I regret doing that to you”.
I am typing this from the airport after missing a flight by 6 minutes. There was no good reason to have missed the flight. It was a total mistake and we really can't assign fault or blame to anyone. I guess that would be pointless anyway. When we get caught up with debating or arguing whose fault it is or making sure the other person knows it was their stupidity that caused our current circumstances, that is pretty much a flight plan with a destination of “nowhere good”.
The test came when I went to the airport kiosk to check in for our flight and it said I did not have a reservation. I went to the man behind the counter and he informed me that we missed our deadline to check in by 6 minutes. I felt like hitting him with a sock full of nickels! I felt angry that we cut it so close, frustrated that we were stuck in an airport for longer than expected and sad that we weren’t going to be home tonight as planned.
Now I had to choose what to do with those feelings… I calmly asked the gentleman to do whatever he could to make sure we got home tonight. He said most people that are trying to get to Columbus are stuck here until Monday. MONDAY!!! Now, I climbed the counter… just kidding. I said, “well, do what you can, and thank you for your help”. He proceeded to get us on standby for a later flight and called customer service to get our penalty fees waived. We had a good conversation and he even pointed out our great attitudes. “Most people would be climbing the counter trying to get to me…” (I didn’t tell him it did cross my mind)
I was reminded of the verse 1 Corinthians 11:1 “follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.”
My point: If people followed your example, what kind of world would we live in? Don’t make someone else’s life tough because you are not adult enough to control your feelings. Be an example even when you are ticked!!!
It isn’t always easy but it is always a choice.
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