That is the picture you are looking at, our "encore". We have decided to get pregnant "again; once more."
I am amazed at the birth process. Everytime I look at my kids, I think "it is hard to believe I had anything to do with creating them." I am a blessed man. I can't wait to meet this baby. A new unique personality with likes, dislikes, personality traits and features from each of us.
We are due in mid December. When we found out we were pregnant we needed to come up with a nickname to call the baby until we find out if it is a boy or girl. The nickname was up to me. I came up with a few really good ones.
We are due in mid December. When we found out we were pregnant we needed to come up with a nickname to call the baby until we find out if it is a boy or girl. The nickname was up to me. I came up with a few really good ones.
Here are the ones we rejected:
"T.W.O." which would stand for Tax Write Off. That one was shot down quick.
"T-LO" which would stand for The Last One. Whether it is a boy or girl, we are done. It may be easier now to see why we finally decided on "Encore".
I love how it is so obvious the role God plays in this thing called life. He says that He knew us before we were born. How cool is that? He already knows this little baby. He knows what dreams will be reached for, what goals will be accomplished, what hurts and pains this baby will face in this life... All I can say it "wow!!!"
My point: If you have ever seen the birth process and can still walk away and deny there is a God... well, I would just politely say "you are crazy".
Let me know what nicknames you had for your children before you came up with the name they would keep. I know we are not the only ones who do this...
Congrats on your Encore!! LoL.
My first post, didnt turn out so well LoL So I deleted it. Sorry!
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