I remember when I was having some aches and pains so I went to the chiropractor. He took some x-rays and told me I have 4 choices. I like having choices. Here are the choices I had:
1. I could do nothing- just keep going along with the pain.
2. I could mask it- with medicine or just deny it existed
3. I could fix it temporarily- by doing enough to get rid of the pain short term
4. I could fix it long term- by staying on a maintenance plan for ongoing care
I started thinking about those options and how they apply to more than just chiropractic. Aren't those the same options we have when we have an alignment problem in our personal lives or when we are facing a tough situation?
We can do nothing- just hope somehow it will get better even though we are doing nothing to help it get better. We can mask it-refusing to see it is a problem or glossing it over as "not that bad". We can just flat out deny it is a problem. We rationalize that by denying it- it will have to go away. Or we can choose to fix it.
Fixing it is not always easy. There may have to be some difficult conversations, there may be some changes that have to be made by people unwilling to change. There may be some people that totally resist and deny there is an alignment problem. Some may see the misalignment and just not care. Others may see the same thing you do but have a different solution to getting it back into alignment.
This is where you have to be willing to stand up for what you believe and do what is right because it is right. There may be short term pain involved but you need to count the cost. Is it worth it? That is for you to decide.
Wisdom tells us to seek council from others. Ask some people who love you enough to disagree. Ask people who have been in similar situations and most importantly- ask God. We can never underestimate the power of prayer and reading God's word.
My point: You have a choice when faced with something that is out of alignment. When we do nothing- we are clueless or afraid. When we mask it- we are naive or stupid. When we temporarily fix it- we are trying, but when we choose to fix it long term- we are wise.
Is there something out of alignment in your life that needs an adjustment?
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