True friends are a great gift. True friends are the ones you can call at any time, day or night and you always know they will be there for you. True friends are the ones you can just drop in on without notice. When true friends are coming over, you don't even need to clean up because they have seen you at your best and worst. You don't have to put on an act around them because they would see right through it and probably call you out on it. True friends are able to tell you things that others would not dare say. You can take it from a true friend because you know they have only your best interest at heart. A true friend may drive several hours just to give you a hug when you need it.
A true friend is happy for you when you are happy and sad when you are sad(Romans 12:15). So called friends only want to be around when times are good. As soon as there is some sign of trouble, they are gone. Some "friends" only want you to be there for them and they are not there for you. They allow you to be their friend but will turn on you as soon as you disagree with them or don't go along with everything they want. That is not friendship- that is crap.
Proverbs 17:17 says "a friend is always loyal". Proverbs 18:24 tells us that there are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. I am so amazed at the people that I can call "True friends". I am blessed to have friends who I can call any time for any reason and I know without a doubt they will be there for me. These people will also hit me right between the eyes with truth no matter how bad it might hurt because they know I need to hear it.
My point: Having true friends is crazy important. They will hold you accountable even when you may not want them to. They will say what needs to be said whether you want to hear it or not. They will be happy with you when you are happy, they will be sad with you when you are sad, but most importantly, they will stick closer than a brother. I thank God that I have "true friends."
The real question is "does anyone call YOU a true friend"... careful, the answer could hurt.
Being a good friend can get very, very (in a Northern Ohio accent) MESSY!!!
The best friends build dreams by sharing your passions, applauding your successes, mourning your failures, supports you through difficulties and is always by your side NO matter what you're going through. If you can find ONE in life you are truly blessed. Find someone you can be that for and not someone that can be that for you and watch what happens.
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