Anyway, the toilet actually taught me something at the retreat I went on. There was a bathroom with two urinals and a stall. At the bathroom breaks there was always at least 4 people using that restroom (why is it called a "rest"room?).
While a couple people were using the urinals (I was one of them), I saw one person go to the stall and then walk back out. The next break the same thing happened. The next time the restroom was visited I asked why no one used the stall. I was informed that the toilet seat would not stay up. I thought - whatever, I will just pee on the seat. Then I thought I would just practice my sniper-like aim and not get a drop on the seat. Wiping the seat off was never an option.
Then I had an amazing idea - try to put the seat up and see if it would stay. I tried and it did not stay. Then I adjusted the back of the tank so the lid was on different, raised the seat and guess what, IT STAYED!!! I was a hero. It was kinda awkward because there was cheering from the restroom filled with grown men. I can imagine what people outside the bathroom was thinking. Did I mention that I think bathrooms are funny...?
Everyone thought it was pointless to try, but all that was needed was for someone to challenge what was accepted as truth. This lesson that was learned from a toilet is applicable to our life too. Sometimes we get so caught up doing something the same way even if it is not very effective or not working at all. Many people just keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result or accept what other people tell them without trying on their own.
My point: Sometimes it only takes a little adjustment to get a different result. Maybe you need to change the way you communicate or take some extra time for the spouse or kids. Maybe you need a little adjustment to your diet or personal disciplines. A little adjustment and you can be a hero too.
I am not sure what my motivation was to adjust the toilet. I think it was more the threat of a ruptured bladderor fear of wetting myself and definitely not the promise of men cheering in the bathroom...
As sick as it sounds, I got something from the toilet.
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