Most kids go thru the phase where the continually ask "why?". Not my red-head, she asks "why not?".
When Hannah wants to do something and she is told "no", she questions, "why not?". She obviously heard that somewhere and uses that question even where it doesn't quite fit. She will ask you "what are you doing?" and you could reply "making donuts out of horse hair" and she would ask "why not?"... that got me thinking.
I am glad my kid is growing up with the "why not" attitude. I am sure there will come a time when someone tells her she can't do something and I pray that she would simply ask "why not". I want her to know and believe she can do anything and have no doubt in her mind when she sets out to do it. When others are standing on the sideline making excuses why they can't or won't attempt something, or don't think something is possible, my little stubborn red-head will be the first in line saying "why not".
I am sure she may trip up along the way, she may not achieve everything she attempts but that won't be because she made excuses or didn't try.
My point: "why not?" - what are you afraid to try that you have convinced yourself that you can't do. You are telling yourself "why" it's not possible but I am here to ask "why not". Why is it not possible. Are you just afraid of failure or being embarrassed? Who cares? Stop telling yourself why you can't and start asking yourself why not.
Why not you, why not now!
Hannah could become the first female heisman winner - why not?
"Why Not" - Indeed
Good one! It had me laughing and brought tears to my eyes!
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