I have been called a lot of things by a lot of people but I have never been called a "twitter" (until now).
Since I am on the cutting edge of technology (hold your laughter), I decided to take the advice of the amazing
Chris Winesette and check out
twitter. It is very cool. It is kinda like a very mini blog that you can track on your phone or on the web.
I can choose to follow people and they can choose to follow me. "Following" someone simply means receiving their messages. It is intended to answer the question "what are you doing". I will use twitter to keep all my "followers" updated on my thoughts (totally random) and my actions (like going to the gym). Here is a disclaimer:
beware. I will twitter early, late or whenever I feel like it.
If you have a text package on your phone you will enjoy it, if you don't have a text package, you can sign up to twitter and follow it on your home page. It is really neat (haven't heard that since the brady bunch) to be able to see who else "twitters" and who they follow and of course it is fun to have people follow you. It is like a status thing - the more people that follow you, the more significant you are. So here comes my shameless self promotion - FOLLOW ME!!!
Simply go to
twitter and register. If you want to track it on your phone (again, please make sure you have a text package on your cell phone plan, otherwise you will pay for each text you receive), go to "settings" then click on "devices". You can follow the pretty simple instructions from there. If you have any questions, please let me know.
My point: We are all about community and communication. I look forward to many of you signing up to twitter so I can follow you and hopefully you will give me a huge ego boost and follow me.
Join the "twitter" community and become a "twitter-er"