For me this is not a time to just torture myself. It is all about not allowing things to control me. If I want something so bad that I don't care about the consequences, it is time to cut it off.
If I am willing to eat donuts, candy, fried food and not care that I feel run down & tired or how it is affecting my overall health then I have a problem. I believe it is my responsibility to say "enough is enough" before a doctor has to tell me.
I guess as time passes, the more attention I have to pay to my health. I want to be a good example for my family and I want to be around long enough to see my grand kids.
I see people younger than me having all kinds of health issues. Some of them are unavoidable but I want to rule out the avoidable ones.
My point: June is a month for me to get rid of some not so good habits and form some new ones. It is all about self-discipline. I am making other changes as well. I may not tell people what they are but if you know me well enough, you may notice them.
There is still time to jump on the "junkless June" challenge. Shoot me an email fowler163@yahoo.com
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