I am doing this to gain self-control and possibly shed a few pounds. The heart behind it is to not allow anything to have control over me. If I say “I can’t go without (blank)” then I need to just so it doesn’t have control over me. If you think you can but aren’t willing to try then you may want to pay attention to the truth – YOU CAN’T!!!
The rules:
Each participant will submit up to 3 things that they think will be the hardest to go without for 30 days. Names will not be attached to the item so you won’t know who you want to kill. DO NOT submit things just because you think it will be hard for others. This is not to make it hard for other people, it is to help you develop self-discipline.
The penalties:
I will compile a list and make any clarifications on items. Once the list is compiled, NO ONE will be allowed to eat anything from the entire list. If you do, you owe a $5.00 penalty. I think the penalty has to hurt. If it were only a quarter or dollar – you may think it is ok to cheat. The penalty has to be painful.
There is a $20 “I am a loser without any self control, so I quit” fee. In other words, if you quit you still owe all the penalty money AND a $20 fee. This is all “honor system” so if you think you may have cheated, YOU DID!!!
The Honor system:
You are responsible, under the “honor system” to report to me fowler163@yahoo.com if/when you cheat. I will keep a running list and blog the results at the end of each week (more if necessary). You need to email me as you cheat and I can keep a running total of what you owe and will keep everyone updated on the total in the “junk pot”.
If you have to ask "is this cheating" - it probably is but you can email me for the final call. I will consult with a panel of impartial people and respond to your question.
The Deadlines:
If you know anyone who would like to participate, please tell them to email me their 3 items by Friday May 30th so I can have the list posted to my blog by Sat the 31st.
Please let me know what questions you have before we begin. I will post the list on my blog by May 31st.
The Rewards:
I am sure it will benefit you physically and mentally. Your emotions are up to you… again, if you think you can’t do it, that is one of the very reasons you should try it.
The winner:
The person who wins (cheats the least amount of times) wins all the penalty money. If there is more than one person that “wins” – they will split the money.
The guilt statement:
I swear, with God as my witness, that I have read and understand every word of this agreement.
By “e-signing this” (leave a comment on this blog), I agree to all the stated terms.
1 comment:
Consider this my e-signature.
I am ready to get started!!!!
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