I can't think of a whole lot of things that brings joy to my life like seeing my girls smile. It just melts my heart and makes me feel really good and mushy on the inside. There is power in a smile.
I love walking through the mall and just smiling. People usually look at you like you are nuts (in my case they are right) or like you are going to jack them with a sock full of nickels. Sometimes they look at you only to hurry and look away but every once in awhile, they actually smile back.
Sometimes when I am sitting at a light or passing someone, I will look over and smile as big as I can. They usually laugh and then I see their lips move probably, commenting on how insane I am, but it is fun.
Studies show that if you are bummed or depressed and you smile, you begin to feel better. If you take it a step further and look at yourself in the mirror and smile, you start to feel better even sooner.
My point: Smiles, like a lot of other things, are contageous. I would rather affect someone with something postitive than infect them with something negative.
Next time you are cranky -smile.
Next time someone is spewing negatives at you - SMILE BIG.
Next time you come in contact with anyone - smile a big cheezy smile.
Start smiling and see what happens. Let me know what kind of reactions you get...
Thanks for all the insight and the great meeting on Thursday! I have many great take-aways from it!
Dave, Thanks for your feedback. It was great to finally meet you.
I am glad you got some take-aways. After something like that, you wonder if anyone got anything from it or if it was way too much to take in.
I appreciate your comments.
I don't get crabby anymore after memorizing Proverbs 21:19 but I guess I can find another reason to smile :)
Good thoughts, Gary. There's my smile for ya :)
This is like when we were going through a really depressing time while in NC and we just started outright LAUGHING.....forced laughing. Pretty soon, we were guffawing, chuckling, snorting......but your body doesn't know the difference....even pretend laughing elicits an immune response....wow...
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