The author is a great friend from my military days. His witty insight and biting sarcasm far surpasses mine. You may know him from the comments that he makes on my blog aka "the truth".
I hope you will read his blog regularly and enjoy his humor (or lack thereof) as much as I do.
My point: you are a butt-hole if you don't read his blog. (sorry, that may be a bit strong. You are just not cool unless you check out his blog)
side note: this is not a pic of him.
side note: this is not a pic of him.
Actually, I was much bigger than that pic. Until I did a colon cleanse.Turns out there were several midgets living in my colon, causing all kinds of havoc. Punching me about the duodenum, the jejunum and even my ilium!!! The pain was intense. I thought it was just years of eating McDonalds and drinking Crisco for breakfast. And were they angry when they came out!! Running about to and fro, cussing, crying, ranting.
How did they get there you ask? Well, when I was in the military I was injected with a "flu" shot. But I did not know that it contained several midget embryos which grew to regular midget size over the years. I thought I had bloat. Of course, naturally, I enslaved them like Willy Wonka and now they do my bidding. (I love when I get two of them to fight to the death for my pleasure). Mostly though, they are butlers, maids, servants and such...I digress
Laughing Hysterically!
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