What the heck does that mean you might ask. I thought you might be curious so I asked the vet. Dogs have sacks that used to put out their scent when they poop. Kinda like skunks have sacks, so do dogs. The dogs would use their scent to mark their territory. Well, over the years dogs have become more domesticated so they no longer need the scent or sacks.
As the vet shared this fascinating lesson about the history of the dog butt, I found myself wondering "what the heck does this have to do with my dog throwing up?!!! He further explained that when the sacks get full they irritate the dog. What do dogs to an area that is irritated... Lick it!! Don't act shocked or grossed out, we have all seen dogs lick their butts. I guess since the irritation would not go away, my dog Libby continued to lick. All that licking caused her to have an upset stomach. The upset stomach caused her to throw up. Doesn't it all make sense now. See you just had to stay with me for a minute.
I think full anal sacks for a dog are a lot like bitterness or unforgiveness in our lives. It just keeps irritating us to the point that we get sick. Bitterness and unforgiveness can make you physically sick and can certainly lead to an unhealthy emotional and spiritual state.
My point: being bitter and choosing not to forgive someone is only hurting you. You are not meant to store it up. It needs to be released in order to not irritate anymore. Is there something you need to let go of or someone you need to forgive? Then do it. Stop making excuses. The reasons, whether valid or not, is like the dog licking their butt. It doesn't do any good. It just makes you sick (not to mention it is really gross).
The vet emptied Libby's anal sacks. He simply went in and popped them. Maybe it's time to empty your sacks. Go to the root and pop 'em.
That may be the grossest (is that a word) blog post ever!!!
Give me a call sometime!!!
Holy Smokes - can you say that? Ahhh you just did...great blog...I may have to use that story...
LOL!! That is soooooooo spiritual! You have a great blog, uplifting and to the point. And it's in a everyday way we can understand. You really can teach bro, no kiddin!
Wow! I never thought I could learn something about myself by reading about anal sacks!
I seriously could've gone the rest of my life without hearing about anal sacks.
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