Ok, enough of the drama. Here is the truth. I decided to put the word "anal" on one of my blogs about my dog. I guess there are some filters out there that will not allow access to sites that contain certain words. Who would've figured that "anal" was one of them. I am pretty impressed they caught it.
I just think it is hilarious that there are filters that would not allow access to my blog. In some strange way I think it is really cool to have been banned. Almost like now there is a sense of "I gotta check out what this goof is going to say next" (I am referring to myself as the "goof"). I got feedback from a lot more people than left comments on my blog. Maybe you don't want people to know you read this stuff (I don't blame you). I was very surprised that some of you actually take time to read my version of reality.
When I think about it, I guess I am glad that the filters are doing their job. I think we have all typed in words to do a search and was very shocked at the results that came back. Although I don't think anyone would have developed a porn addiction or committed evil deeds because they read about my dog's butt, I am impressed that other sites with similar words were banned too.
My point: We should all have filters in our lives. We should have "banned" stations on the TV or radio. We should definitely have whatever filter that was that banned my blog. Sometimes we can get weak and we need help to do the right thing. No matter how strong we think we are, it is good to have some built in accountability. I like the idea of filtering some of the things that could potentially harm me or my family.
Thanks to all of you who actually read this crap I call writing. I am finding out that there are a few of you out there that are as twisted as I am. Maybe reading my blog makes you feel normal... I guess the world takes all kinds.
Man I cannot tell you how much I have been getting out of reading your blog! I have been really behind this summer, but over the last couple of days I have read many of your posts...and I LOVE THEM!! Oh I miss getting to hangout with you on a regular basis...but luckily for me, reading your blog is almost as good!! Keep up the blogging...Oh and tell Medina she is falling behind!! Keep her accountable!!
Can you say "crap" in a blog? Man, where are the censors when we need them :)
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