I believe that someday we will all stand before God. We will have to give an account for our actions. Is that something that sounds like fun to you? Yeah, me neither...
I think when we view our lives from an eternal perspective, we will see it differently. What are we going to say when we try to explain our reasons to the one who created us. To the one who knows better than we do what we were really thinking. What excuse or reason will be acceptable when we run out of "buts".
I am not sure exactly what that day will look like but I am sure that our hearts will be exposed. I can just see us trying to pass off the same lame excuses to God that we try to give to others. When we tell God "but, I was to busy to talk to You." "But, I was scared to tell others about You." "But, I couldn't help the person who was reaching out to me because I wasn't sure if they really needed help or not."
What about the person who ignored their kids or family. Or the one who will try to say "but, they tricked me into it". I am pretty sure that we won't have our spouse next to us so we can blame them. Imagine telling God "but, the woman you put here made me do it" (sounds strangely familiar...). "But, if she wouldn't have said this or that, I wouldn't have reacted that way." It was their fault not mine - but, but but... How do you really think that will go?
If you think it is going to be a free pass because you weren't in control of your decisions, WAKE UP!!! You and only you are responsible for you.
My point: No "but" or reason will be good enough. Stop rehearsing and start learning. Humble your "but" and learn to allow God to search your heart and reveal your true motives.
What will that day look like when there are no more "buts"
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