We found out yesterday that we are having another baby girl. Even though I was openly saying I wanted a boy, I am crazy excited about having another beautiful baby girl.
I remember praying "Lord, I would love to have a boy..." then proceeded to list all the reasons why. Looking back, I realize I was campaigning for God to give me a boy just in case He was undecided up to this point. Maybe He was still trying to make up His mind.
The night before we went to the ultrasound to find out the sex (actually there was a bunch of things they look for but I knew all that would be fine, I wanted to know boy or girl), I was praying for "Encore". I then realized that God already knows the sex, the future name, the person my child will marry and every other decision this kid will make. I found myself laughing at how ridiculous I felt for asking for something that was decided well in advance.
I absolutely love the idea of having another child. Another life to help shape and guide. My job is to train this child whether it is a boy or girl. It is an honor to be a father and I can't wait to meet this amazing little girl.
I remember praying "Lord, I would love to have a boy..." then proceeded to list all the reasons why. Looking back, I realize I was campaigning for God to give me a boy just in case He was undecided up to this point. Maybe He was still trying to make up His mind.
The night before we went to the ultrasound to find out the sex (actually there was a bunch of things they look for but I knew all that would be fine, I wanted to know boy or girl), I was praying for "Encore". I then realized that God already knows the sex, the future name, the person my child will marry and every other decision this kid will make. I found myself laughing at how ridiculous I felt for asking for something that was decided well in advance.
I absolutely love the idea of having another child. Another life to help shape and guide. My job is to train this child whether it is a boy or girl. It is an honor to be a father and I can't wait to meet this amazing little girl.
My point: be faithful with what you are entrusted with. It is ok to ask but be we need to be ok with the answer too. God knows what He is doing and if He did everything we asked Him to do, we would all be rich and good looking...
We are kicking around a couple names. We like Raegan, Sydney and Beulah. Feel free to give me your thoughts (as always)
We are kicking around a couple names. We like Raegan, Sydney and Beulah. Feel free to give me your thoughts (as always)
I like the name Emma! Talk to you soon...
Hey there! My name is Marty Daniels and I got to your blog through your wifes blog.
My wife and I met her at her fathers home a few weeks ago.
Just wanted to introduce myself and pass on my congratulations to you two on the baby girl.
My very best,
Marty Daniels
For the record.......he's not serious about Beulah! I sure hope everyone would know that (especially coming from you)! LOL! :)
Beulah? Seriously.. As long as she is healthy, we can call her by a nickname.
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