Recently I told you how I got a speeding ticket but this time I really wasn't speeding. I went to court to seek justice and let's just say - I feel justice was served.
I went to court thinking I was going to tell the judge my story and he would say "oh, you were wrongly accused. Case dismissed". Well that may have been a little optimistic and unrealistic but nonetheless, I got what I wanted - not guilty!
I had to call upon my years of watching the "people's court" with the original Judge Wapner (in photo above) and I picked up a few nuggets from Judge Judy as well. I had no idea that this was going to be a real trial. The state was represented by a prosecuting attorney and I was represented by - me!
I figured I was in trouble when he asked for an opening statement. I didn't have one. I was asked to cross- examine "trooper Lee", so I made up something. I was asked to call my first witness and I responded "your honor, I would just like to tell my side of the story". He said, then take the stand. I told my side and then I was cross examined. I wasn't ready for that.
I was then asked if I had anymore witnesses. I put my wife on the stand... she loved me for that. I was holding Raegan, my 8 month old baby, while I questioned my wife. It was a real hoot.
When I rested my case, the judge called for closing arguments. While the prosecution was making their closing remarks, I was thinking of mine.
I actually came up with a humdinger of an argument because the prosecution offered me a deal. They wanted to lower the charges from 86mph in a 65mph zone to 70 in a 65. This would not add any points to my license. The judge asked me if I wanted the deal. This is when I pulled the biggest load of crap out of the bag.
I figured that if the prosecution was offering me a deal, there must be enough doubt that they wouldn't get a guilty verdict. I told the Judge that my integrity wouldn't allow me to plead guilty to something I didn't do. I actually kept a straight face while saying it. I did feel my wife burning the back of my neck with her laser angry eyes. She wanted me to take the deal... that is until the Judge said "I am entering a verdict of NOT GUILTY!!!"
I rolled the dice and came out on top. I was banking on "innocent until proven guilty". I had more than a reasonable doubt. I thought that even if the Judge said I was guilty, he would only charge me with the deal I was offered. I didn't have to find out if I was right or not.
My point: You never know when you will find yourself in a position that you are not prepared for. It happens all the time. I just found myself taking comfort in the truth and letting the Judge administer justice. Even if I was found guilty, I would never regret telling the truth.
I tell my children "do what's right because it's right". I can only control what I do, not what others do. Tell the truth no matter what. You will always be at peace when you do.
legal mumbo jumbo: if anyone would like legal representation, please let me know. I have won 100% of my cases.