I can't even wrap my mind around that. Best in the WORLD!!! Not just your school, city, town, state, region or even the United States... THE WORLD! Wow, that is amazing.
I can't even imagine the training and discipline that has to be their life. Their lives have to be laser focused on their diet and activity. I am sure they have to say "no" to a lot of things. Things that other people may call "fun". I am pretty sure that they have probably questioned whether it is all worth it. But then... then they get a glimpse of what could be. As the day approaches, they can begin to picture themselves on the stand getting a medal placed around their neck and having the beautiful anthem play. (I am getting all misty eyed)
What if we put even a small fraction of the discipline into our relationship with Christ. Wow! Maybe we should be disciplined enough to press through the frustration of life and say "no" to things that aren't good for us anyway and pray for a glimpse of how it will feel to stand before God and hear Him say "well done, my faithful servant".
My point: as amazing as the gold metal and anthem would be, it has to pale in comparison to being welcomed into Heaven to spend eternity with our Creator and Savior. When God looks at me, does He say - that guy is GOLD or does he see unrecognized potential.
As an American and a 3 generation war time veteran (I bet you didn't know that), I love this amazing country. No one can question that. I hope and pray that no one questions my love for my God either...
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