This got me thinking about some of the things people do. Why do some people wear the bluetooth everywhere they go. Why do some people only talk about themselves. Why do people drive so fast. Why do they go to the gym and just stand around. Why do people complain about EVERYTHING. Why do they blame their problems on everyone but themselves. Why is popping pills the only option. Why do you say you are in agreement with a decision only to act like a big baby and blame your spouse when you don't like it anymore.
These are just a few of the things people do that I don't understand. That is "why I" take responsibility for myself. I don't want anyone to think I am not a person of integrity. It absolutely drives me nuts when people say they will do something but never come thru. They say they will help and be a key leader then they never show up but they always have a great excuse. Irresponsible, inconsiderate people are "why I" carry a sock full of nickels...
My point: You are the reason why. Stop blaming your problems on your parents who never hugged you or your spouse who doesn't get off the couch. You can still choose to have a great attitude. Your attitude is YOUR choice. That is "why I" choose to blog and shine some light on this subject.
Think about what you are going to do then do it. Don't say you will if you won't.
thank you for posting that. it was something i needed to read.
good word
Why DO people wear the bluetooth everywhere?!
Really...in a restaurant, while eating. Ugh, that bugs me.
Good messege tho =]
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