I am always honored to be part of that very significant event in any persons life but today I got the honor of baptizing my 11 year old daughter Shayna. It was amazing being part of that. This is something she will always remember as part of her Christian journey. I think it made it more special having her daddy do it but I want her to remember it for the right reasons.
I explained to her that baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision. Shayna wanted to be baptized in water out of obedience. I am very proud of her.
I love being part of my children's lives. It always blows my mind to see parents who have nothing to do with their kids. Any significant event that happens in my kids lives, I want them to remember that I was there. She might not realize this now, but when she is older I want her to be able to look back and say "wow, daddy was ALWAYS there".
My point: enjoy the journey. If you have children - make sure you are actively involved in their lives or you will regret it when they are grown. Shayna is 11 and I can't believe how fast those years have gone. Your children may not fully understand or appreciate you being there now but I honestly believe they will cherish those memories when they are grown.
I can't wait to be part of my other daughters' first day of school, water baptisms and weddings... ok, now I am crying!!!
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