Some people read a post then email me comments. I like that too. Some people read and then call or text me. All this is good and I encourage it (hint, hint).
Those who choose "anonymous" as they leave feedback is a little confusing. When this blog was set up, I chose to allow "anonymous" feedback. I didn't have to but I figure any feedback is better than none. I would hope that people wouldn't use it but that is their choice. But the question looms... Why?
Why do people choose anonymous. Are they not confident to tell who they really are. Do they fear they will be judged or laughed at. Are they not secure enough to allow their comments to be assigned to their name?
My point: I am a fan of "if you say it or do it - own it". I think that you should stand up and be proud of your thoughts and feelings we refer to as feedback. I would rather have "anonymous" feedback than no feedback but get some confidence. I won't judge you. I will still show love.
I think I know who you are anyway, you might as well step up and be proud of your thoughts.