"Y" / Y are you looking at this garbage. Y are you choosing to make bad choices.
"W" / What the heck are you doing. What do you hope to accomplish by staring at this junk. What are you doing in private while looking at it.
"N" / Nothing good can come from this.
"U" / U need self control.
"I" / I chose to look at this. I choose to keep looking at this. I am choosing not to get help.
I guess "X" is assigned for a reason, I just don't know it. Then you have those things rated "XXX". Wow, what must be going on in that sick world to get three letters. I think the three letters should be IAM - Which would stand for I AM so ashamed of myself. I AM in so deep but I tell myself I can stop at any time.
These are just a few right off the top of my head. Feel free to add your own.
My point: You can call it what you want but it is what it is. You can rate it or just call it an addiction. I hear pornography addiction is the hardest addiction to break free from. I can't imagine how lonely it must be to live that lie.
I am not judging, I just don't understand how someone even gets caught up in it but then chooses to stay in it... I applaud anyone who breaks this addiction. You are awesome!
There are some great websites out there if you need help or know someone who does
www.xxxchurch.com (seriously it is one)
this post has been changed from it's original content due to a "judgemental" overtone.
I apologize for sounding judgemental on an addiction I, thankfully know little about.
Please accept my apology. Next time put your name or email me directly, we can chat about it.
thanks. next time i will :)
Great Post - no matter what version I had the privlege to read...
It's saddening to see the extent of damage a pornography addiction does to someone, their marriage and their family. Thankfully we serve a God who sent His Son to set free anyone who asks him.
Porn addiction is a very difficult addiction to break from. The physical addiction to one's own neurochemistry released in habitual porn use is more addictive that heroin (so I've read).
I've struggled quite a bit with porn addiction in the past and it was a devastating time. I wrote a bit about my testimony on my ministry's blog: http://www.covenanteyes.com/blog/2008/02/20/how-a-porn-addict-found-hope-between-the-altar-and-the-door/
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