I got in to see the Dr and her first words after looking in my mouth was "wow, that has to hurt." When Dr obvious got off the floor from being cracked in the bridge of her nose with my vicious elbow, she went on to explain that my mouth is full of blisters. There is really nothing she could do so I paid my $25 copay and went on my merry way.
I am now figuring out how difficult it is to drink your meals. No matter what I eat it feels like I am chewing glass and it is shredding my cheeks. Oh, well - this too shall pass.
Ok, so am I looking for sympathy - not really, well ok maybe a little... actually I am learning a huge lesson about not making the people around me miserable just because I am in pain. It would be real easy to treat everyone around me like crap just because that is how I am feeling. I am trying my best to not be a crab or grumpy. I am not sure how I am doing but I will ask another day...
My point: Just because you are having a bad day, don't take it out on others. Be mature enough to know that YOU are the one that has the issues. Just because you are grumpy, don't make everyone else miserable.
The only thing you will do if you take it out on others is make them mad at you. Then even when you feel better, you have no friends and that will be a bummer.
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