The one thing that keeps coming to my mind when I think about the trip is the eyes of those kids. I have never seen such sadness, despair and hopelessness combined with innocence. They are such beautiful people with a hard life.
They were so excited to get a little toy from McDonalds (that we usually throw away) and a piece of candy. Some of them didn't know how to receive or give a hug. Some would stay stiff while others would not let you go. They were starving for affection and love. I keep thinking of how blessed I am to have been born in this country. I am relieved to know that my children will never know the kind of poverty other countries call normal.
I am so glad that I went and will no doubt go on more missions trips, but this trip changed me for the good in a number of ways. I am still learning things from the trip and from the people. I refuse to allow this experience to be short lived or temporary. I will continue to apply the lessons I have learned to my life to make me a better person.
My point: If this was just a trip then I missed many life lessons. If I allow it to continue to impact and change me, then it was an amazing life experience. I believe we go through situations in order to sharpen and refine us, it is our responsibility to receive and apply the lessons.
There are many more lessons I am sure I will share with you. It is good to be back in the ol' USA!
Hey Man, Welcome Home!
I am glad you had an awesome experience and I'm so very happy to have you home again with us!
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