The message they were living (notice I didn't say speaking) was LOVE. They were the most humble, polite, soft spoken, serving people with the biggest hearts I have ever met. Every word they spoke was in a different language but even before it was translated into English, I felt like I had an idea what they were saying. When they spoke it was always kind, loving and encouraging. The words may not have sounded the same but the actions translated "love" in every language.
I got the opportunity to speak in a church. I obviously needed a translator. The experience was very cool. I would speak a sentence or thought then pause for the translator to say it in Spanish. It was kinda weird telling a joke (I am funny in all languages) then pausing for it to be told in a different language then waiting with anticipation to see if it translated as funny as it is in English. Needless to say - it was.
I spoke a message about being a "R.E.A.L." Christian. It was received with an open - hungry heart and we had some great prayer time at the end. Even though they didn't understand the words I was praying with them, they knew I was talking to the same God they serve and worship. VERY COOL!!!
My point: Even though we are English speaking Americans (and proud of it), we don't always speak the same language. Some speak hate, sarcasm, vulgarity and anger while others speak love and encouragement. Sometimes we need a translator to mediate. What if we all spoke the same language? In the words of Louie B Armstrong (the great Satchmo) "What a wonderful world it would be"...
God does not only understand English. Acts and words of love in any other language is not lost in translation. It is still "love".
Speak loving words and live a life of kindness. Stop being a jerk.
God does not only understand English. Acts and words of love in any other language is not lost in translation. It is still "love".
Speak loving words and live a life of kindness. Stop being a jerk.
"Speak loving words and live a life of kindness. Stop being a jerk."
Good choice of words, I think that there are a LOT of people that need to learn AND live that.
Another good one Babe! Love it! You're awesome! Love you!
Great Message! And it even included the very Gary-esque closing line. :0)
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