That's right my friend that is a waffle cone with 2 huge scoops. It was called the JUMBO!!! In the states, I would've paid about $24 for that monster, but not in Nicaragua. I only paid .85!
I didn't even care if I could finish it. I could throw half of it away and still feel like I got a great value. I did get a stomach ache from eating that gallon of sugar topped off by a waffle cone, but it was totally worth it.
The exchange rate is about 19 to 1. For every American dollar we got 19 Nicaraguan Cordoba's. We did have to adjust to the sticker shock but once you did, you realized things were pretty cheap.
My point: everything is not always as it appears. We all get caught up in our own paradigm. We have to willing to step outside of our own world sometimes if we want to get different experiences.
I would've missed out on ice cream if I wouldn't have been willing to see things in a different way.
Yes, I shaved my head. I didn't want to bring any bugs back on my head...
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