Now that I have admitted it publically, I can talk openly about it. I don't think it is a problem, I can quit whenever I want, I just don't want too.
I text everywhere. The last time I was very sick (years ago), I was texting between bathroom runs (pun intended).
I text in church (gasp), in the car while driving, while I am going to the bathroom (you knew I was going to say that), while I am bathing my kid, at the dinner table... anywhere & everywhere.
Konan and I were at this meeting and it was so stinkin boring that I texted him (he was sitting right next to me) to get up and start slapping the crap out of me. We sat there and texted back and forth. I text people when they in the same room, right next to me (is that a problem?).
Texting has become a primary way of communication. I love it.
My point: Things change whether we want them to or not. We can adapt or just complain about it. For those of you who complain about "texters", chill out! If you don't text, you probably liked climbing the rope in gym class.
Gotta go, I got a text I have to read
I know first hand your texting someone sitting next to you or even in the same room. I agree texting is so nice, sometimes I will just let a phone call go and then text the person back afterwards...especially if I know the person will talk a long time!!
That's why we don't communicate anymore....b/c of "people" like you. We've become so socially inept, our kids can't write correctly or even in cursive and we hide behind our words. Like blogging!!!
I accepted a text message from Konan two weeks ago and my Robin will freak when we get our bill so...
txt i nbd i think u r my bff ttyl awar
Wow...and here I thought I was the only one!
I LOVE texting =]
So much so, that I'm thinking of switching phone companies just to be able to get a phone with a keyboard and unlimited texting LoL.
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