There are certain things that when said to a crowd of people, it creates awkward moments. Here are a few of my personal dislikes.
- "how is everyone doing?" - this has to be one of the worst. First of all, if I am in a crowd, I am not responding to this question because I can't speak for EVERYONE!!! Secondly, you don't really care how I am doing, you are just trying to get some feedback.
- "is this thing on?" or "can you hear me" (or any variation of this)- I hate these because if the microphone is not on, I can't hear your question. If I can't hear you, I am not going to respond anyway. If it is not on, the sound person will notice and fix the problem (a half decent one will anyway)
- "They don't even know I am going to say this but..." - this one is a recipe for disaster. If you are supposed to be announcing one thing, and then take it upon yourself to change things without clearing it with someone, you are probably going to look stupid and it makes everyone else look unorganized. It usually doesn't turn out the way you think it will.
- Inside jokes are not funny from the mic/stage - any time you tell a joke or make a comment that is not intended for the entire listening audience, it is probably going to warrant the sound of crickets. It is not going to be funny to anyone, even you, because you will probably end up embarrassed and mess up the rest of what you are supposed to say. It won't turn out as good as you rehearsed it in your head.
Those are just a few of my personal dislikes. I have received some great feedback from others and will continue to compile a list.
My point: if we strive for excellence in every other area of the Sunday morning experience, why do we pay so little attention to what people are going to say from the microphone. If we are putting people in the tough spot of getting up and speaking without notice, it is our fault. If you have been notified that you are speaking and been briefed on what to say and somehow still goof it up... It's your fault.
Please feel free to email gary@myC3church.com with any you would like to add to my "unofficial list" or you can leave a comment and I take them from there.
stupid disclaimer: you will not be cited or named for any contribution to the list. You will get no recognition or credit
" I just flew in from Cleveland, and my arms are killing me"
"I was just over there on...Diley Road..." (fans cheer when they hear something they know)
"This is the best audience EVER!!!!
Why does the guy look like Gary crossed with Dave Navarro?
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