Wednesday, December 26, 2012


We are visiting Deni's Grammy at a nursing home & we got here just in time to play some bingo.

This is a great time to slow down and really pay attention to what matters - family.

Nothing is more important than relationship and even tho Grammy may not remember we were here and most will not remember who wins, Deni & I will - us.

We win because we are spending time with an amazing woman who helped form who Deni is as a woman.

As we look around this room, I get sad and curious. Sad because they seem alone but curious about the lives they lived and all the stories they could share.

My point: life is about relationships. We can spend time and money on a lot of things but we will NEVER regret spending time with family.

Bingo is a game of random chance but there is noting about relationships that should be left to random chance - at least not if they mean anything to you.

BINGO - hold your cards...

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