Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mood swings

When I was training for the triathlon, I read a piece of advice that said "anytime ur mood changes - eat".

I think that's what most people do anyway but this had a very intentional reason.

During the triathlon u go thru so many mental phases. One minute ur crazy excited, the next ur exhausted and just want it to be over. U get fired up when the swim starts then scared that ur gonna drown. Ur happy when the biking is finally finished then overwhelmed when u realize u still have to do a full marathon. Ur cheering other people on while wishing it was u finishing instead of just making the turn to do ur next 13 miles.

The reason the advice was to eat anytime ur mood changes is because moods change so often and that's when u need to eat - often.

When ur doing the event the last thing u want to do is eat but its exactly what you need to do. U need calories and eating as often as ur mood changes is a great way to remember to eat. I had my watch set to eat every 15 minutes but I if I ate every time my mood changed I would wouldn't have to wait 15 minutes.

What if we lived by this principle but with one minor adjustment. What if we prayed or read the bible every time our mood changed.

My point: most of the time the last thing we want to do is the best thing we can do. When we are happy, read and pray to give God thanks. When we are sad, read and pray to get comfort and peace. When we are mad, read and pray for patience and clarity.

Every time ur mood changes - read or pray. Now that would lead to some serious LifeChange (not to mention we would probably lose some weight...)

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