Sunday, February 17, 2013

Holy healthy

So the wife and I decided to try juicing. So far we are 0 for 2 in the category of likely to drink that swill again.

Both drinks we had today were absolutely awful and we literally had to choke them down. This stuff takes a long time to prepare and then tastes awful - who wants in???

I can totally see why people don't do this stuff long term. We are going to do a 5 day plan so there is no doubt we will do it but not sure how pleasant its gonna be.

That is probably true of just about everything - if it takes work, time and isn't pleasant- we quit and never achieve the benefits.

Kinda like a relationship. It takes time, effort, finances and its not always pleasant but its worth the investment to receive the rewards.

My point: sticking with something is the only way to benefit from it. Whether its a relationship, workout or eating, the end reward is only going to be a result of not giving up.

I talk to many people who say "it didn't work" but I wonder how long they tried.

What do u need to try again and stick with it longer...

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