I heard that quote and started asking myself if I was healthy or unhealthy. I think we would all like to say we are healthy but reality sometimes proves different. I think we have all lost control at one time or another. A one time event does not mean you are unhealthy, but when you always seem mad, even at the smallest things I think it is time for a check up.

As I thought about this, I began to wonder: when people see me angry do they think it is normal or out of character for me? If they see me mad and say "there he goes again" or "it's no big deal, he will be fine in a minute or two" or "stay away until he quits throwing things"... I must look like a complete idiot. I can do this well enough on my own without being mad (I know were thinking it, so I wrote it first...).

My point: We look really stupid when we are mad. We usually make it worse when we act it out instead of talking it through. Get on a "health kick". Make tantrums a thing of the past.
This week: Pay attention to how often do you get mad. How do you react to your anger. Do you show it or explain it? Do you even know why you are mad or is it just an everyday common occurrence?

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