The funny thing about this picture is that she has yet to actually pee on the potty. She likes sitting on it but that is all. This little red-headed whirlwind of a child thinks it is funny to run around naked. Again, not sure where she learned that!?
One day she was running around the dining room table, stark naked, pulled up and peed on the floor. It was hysterical. It was a good thing it was on the wood floors. Of course I am going to turn this into a life lesson...
I think it is a great illustration for us in life. We may know what we "should do" but fail to follow through. Instead of actually doing something, we just go through the motions. We may even deny or justify our actions. There may be a person that you should to apologize to. We keep saying we should work out, change the way we eat or get in better shape. We actually go through the motions of going to church but never change the way we live. All these things are as pointless as sitting on the potty and not doing what you went there to do.
My point: pee or get off the pot. Stop putting stuff on the "should do" list and start checking them off as you actually DO THEM!!! Stop going through the motions, stop making excuses and justifying what you are not doing. It may stink either way but at least if you follow through, you will have some relief.
I was going to post a picture of me on the potty but it wasn't as cute. My wife threw up a little bit in her mouth when I showed her the picture of me on the potty...
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