If you say you are going to do something but you don't have a plan, chances are you won't accomplish it and you are just fooling yourself.
When people tell me they are going to lose weight, I ask them "what is your plan?". In other words, how do you plan on accomplishing what you say you are going to do. If they hem haw around or give a general vague answer, I know they are doomed. There is no way they will do it because there is no plan.
When I first said I was going to run a marathon, I didn't really know if I would really run it. It was just a day way off in the future, it made for good conversation but chances were pretty good that it may not happen. It was something that sounded good but I had no idea how I was going to run 26.2 miles. I needed a plan. I needed a deadline - a date circled.
When I decided that I was definitely going to do it, I circled the date on my calendar. Then it became a reality - a goal. Now I needed to make it happen. I got a training plan and put it on the refrigerator. I put it there so I would HAVE to see it everyday. It was a reminder of what I was working for. It was a way to keep the focus and to remind myself not to eat certain things.
My point: It's not a goal unless it's circled. If you don't circle it, you won't accomplish it. The reason you don't circle it is because you don't want to admit you failed when that day passes. Be bold enough to set a goal, circle it and accomplish it. Without a deadline, it won't happen
What is something you are working for. Circle a day you want to accomplish it by. Leave me a comment and I will ask you about it.
If you really want accountability - blog about it and have people ask you how you are doing.
Well gary, I now officially have a blog thanks to you. What is the world coming to.
sorry here it is. http://joshuadane.blogspot.com
Thanks for leaving a comment. The last time I saw you was at that leadership workshop. I didnt even realize you were there, until way late! Sorry we didnt chat. So what's your next goal? You better blog about it. XD
Goal- um, oh yeah, got one.
Complete my Church Ministries bachelor's from SAGU by May 09.
Plan- more time studying, less time reading and commenting on blogs.
uh, well, oops
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