Since my blog has become such a massive influence in this country we live in, I have been asked to encourage you, my faithful readers, to participate in answering the question "what you are thankful for." (Ok, so I realize only 6 people, on a good day, read this blog and they are all related to me but it sure did feel good to write)
We are at the time of year when everyone is getting ready to wake up really early to go shopping the day after thanksgiving to purchase a bunch of worthless stuff for people they don't even like. Some people will be in such a hurry that they will totally forget or not pay attention to what this season is truly about - thankfulness.
I have a friend who has amazing hair and the church he attends set up a site for people to share what they are thankful for. He asked if my loyal fans (you) would participate.
If you would go to onethankyou.com and leave a comment, that would be greatly appreciated.
My point: we all have things that we should be thankful for. We need to take time to express that thanks and why not even share it with others. Feel free to leave a long comment or a bunch of shorter ones or whatever you feel like doing.
I am thankful that you read this blog. I am thankful for your participation...
We're related??
Scary :) You keep me smiling!
I thought I would blow your mind for a sec and let you know that you don't know me but I'm a youth leader from Oregon (Konan spoke at one of our summer camps last summer) and I and a friend of mine frequently read your blogs. Crazy huh? Anyways I'm thankful that you are willing to share your life and journey with others. I appreciate your point of view and perspective on things. Thank you.
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