Some people think that no matter who the democratic nominee was, they would've won because people are just that fed up with Bush. The republicans are being blamed for the condition of the country. Right or wrong, it is what it is.
I know of some people who support McCain that are all gloom and doom. Those who support Obama may have a huge reality check coming if/when he isn't able to deliver everything promised on the time table that is expected. This country was set up with checks and balances and somehow some way, I believe this is all part of a much larger plan.
As a Christian, I believe that ALL (not some) authority is appointed by God (Rom 13:1). Because I believe there is a much bigger plan, I have to believe that even this president elect is part of that plan. It is a piece to the bigger puzzle. It has to happen in order to accomplish the ultimate plan. We are witnessing history and again, whatever your opinion, as emotionally charged as you may get, this is a pretty cool time to be alive.
For those who prayed for a different outcome, you need to continue to pray for this president. For those who think this one person is going to make all the problems go away... you should read how this story ends. The Bible tells us how this is going to play out. I don't know why we are surprised.
My point: It's easy to accept God's will when it is what YOU want - but can't it still be God's will when you don't get your own way. I am a proud American and am anxiously looking forward to see what happens.
This is a historic time, embrace it and know it is all part of a story & we know how it ends. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting...
You know I keep telling my kids that if Obama wins we need to pray for him and for God to change his heart, now I have to practice what I preach! I am just scared for what we are about to go through spiritually and also for Yousef's family in the middle east because this is certainly going to affect them as well if we leave Iraq high and dry. I just pray that God's will be done and he protects those of us that have remained faithful to him!
1I love your blogs...with your permission, I'd like to link them on my social pages. Specifically "change is coming"...I sure wish that we were close to your church...we are having a heck of a time getting motivated.
permission granted.
Well Said
Hippies are funny
yes, Gary you are exactly right about the blog you sent to Betty about the new president. I've had that problem several times in my life.
They are a elegant looking family though. I guess everyone could be if 'they' had that much money.
hee hee I personally love my own.
thanks, Sheila
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