Some people think they are offering you such an amazing service by telling you everything wrong with you, your family, kids, place of work... Some people just refuse to be positive. I will now refer to these people as "seagulls".
A seagull flies in, craps all over everything and flies out.
When you only offer critical observations (you can call it constructive criticism but when there is nothing constructive, it's called crap), you are a seagull. When you complain and gossip you will attract other complainers and gossip mongers. You attract who you are.
Look around at the people you hang out with. Here is a reality check - YOU ARE LIKE THEM!!!
You may think you are not but seagulls fly with other seagulls, just like wolves run in packs. You flock of seagulls fly around, do nothing of value, you don't help contribute to the better good, you simply find your target and crap all over it -then get out. The target is usually some unsuspecting, innocent victim who is trying to do their best by making positive changes or improve something.
My point: It is ok to have a critical eye but not a critical heart. If you find yourself constantly tearing things down, you are a seagull. Be honest enough with yourself to admit it and change.
Begin being critical of yourself first - I guess you can't do that because crapping on yourself is gross...
hmmm, posts about running and then a post about flocks of seagulls.
"And I ran, I ran so far away. I just ran, I ran all night and day. I couldnt get away."
Flock of Seagulls - 1982
Great Post - Wise Words! See you at Forum?
So what do you call someone who makes a critical observation and either gives advice on how to make things better or actually takes the time to help make things better?
Alka Selzer does wonders for these seagulls.....to Nightshade: The best way to give critical advice and then make things better is hammer throwing somebody into a large venue. A hammer throw is accomplished by reaching down,grabbing the other person by the ankles and spinning 3-4 times and letting them go. This seems to help the advice to set in and changes their tune about their own lives. For a reference,I believe Paul tried this in Galatians to Peter whom he said was hypocritical, choosing to eat with only certain folks.
dave - thanks, I had that song in my head all day
nightshade - I call that person a mature responsible human being.
the truth - well, whatever
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