Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The holiday challenge is on. So far the total weight gain for 11 participants is only 4 lbs... I will keep you posted. 

I just read "A tale of three kings" by Gene Edwards again. It is an amazing book. If you have not read it you really should. It seems to hit you right where you need it. No matter how often you read it, different parts speak to you at whatever phase of life you are in. 

I hate surprises so if you are getting me anything for Christmas, please tell me. 

I am falling in love with my wife more and more as each day passes. I am not in trouble or anything. We have just learned to communicate better and that has been amazing. 

I am learning to not let the little things bother me. My new motto is "it is what it is". I don't try to read to much into it and I choose to take it as it comes.

I have started journaling again and it is helping my walk with God. I find that putting my thoughts on paper helps me focus. If anyone ever reads my journal, they will think I am psycho and I will probably be locked up. Yes, I have probably written something about you!

One thing that is so heavy on my heart right now is that there really is a God and He really has a plan for my life. If that is true then each day is part of that plan and is intended to make me more like Christ. I can't just think the good things are from God and not the bad things. I need to keep this in mind each day and in every circumstance.

Thank you to those of you who participated in "1 thank you"... Special thanks to those who are thankful for me (big points for that). 

My daughters are absolutely amazing. I am humbled to be part of their lives. I can't wait to see what God does in and through each one of them.

I am still counting my blessings from Thanksgiving. 

Heroes is a great show. I can't wait for 24 to start. 

My wife and I played "I am thankful for..." we took turns naming things we were thankful for and it made a 2 hour drive seem like nothing. 

I am typing really fast.

My point: these are random thoughts that could all be blog posts of their own. I am to full of energy drinks to focus on only one topic...

I love energy drinks

I am done typing


kimba said...

We like to play "I love you because....it can go on forever at our house!
And by the way, Shaina's playin' bball too this winter....watch out buddy!!!!

The Truth said...



brent salyers said...

WHAT, no BLOG for 8 days....What's up? We... OK, I love getting your insight into the real world....

Tracym said...

LOVE, LOVE the blog! Great topics as always. I know that you have written about me in that jOurnal. I really feel that your topics are too much about me. Journaling is something I am going to do more often. Take care.