Even the "not so good" is positive if we use it to make things better. We always try to have a critical eye but never a critical heart. There is definitely a difference.
I love the freedom we have as a staff that we are not easily offended. We are also trying to establish an encouraging culture.
We have started taking a few minutes of our staff meeting to encourage someone at the table. This is specific encouragement, not just "way to go" or "good job".
The culture of evaluating can get poison very quickly if we don't balance it with encouragement. We are training our minds and hearts. We have the freedom to evaluate and communicate how to make things better but we also have the responsibility to encourage to make sure we are not just seeing the "not so good".
My point: you will find what you are looking for. If you are looking for something to make better, you won't have any trouble. If you are looking for something that people are doing right - you will find it.
Go encourage someone today. See if you can send a text or email that makes a person smile or even respond with "wow".
Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
You want to be encouraged or refreshed - go encourage / refresh someone else...
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