Part of the dream is working with great people and great friends. As part of a team, I know my role. Part of my role is to speak Sunday's on occasion. Konan needs a break every now and then, so today was my turn (& maybe my last...ha)
I always thought it would be really cool to use the "cowbell" skit from SNL. I was never sure how to make it fit... until now.
I talked about 1 Cor 12 where Paul tells us that we are all a bunch of different parts but our faith in Jesus unites us into one body. One body with many parts. Those parts work together to create something that by themselves would never be able to become. Christians are to work together to form a healthy body. That healthy body is then able to "reach, tell, serve, bless, teach"... and everything else a healthy strong body is supposed to do.
Enter the cowbell:
I used the skit to illustrate how, just like a band, we all have different talents and if misused (like Gene does with the cowbell when he is mad), the body is not healthy. But if used to compliment and accent others, we can create gold records. Our body can even wear "gold diapers" (you gotta watch the clip to understand that one...).
My point: Are you playing well with others. If you are a Christian, you need to be part of a body. You have a gift that will strengthen the body. If you are not a Christian - email me, we can talk. If you are a Christian and not part of a body (local church), you are missing out - BIG TIME!!! You are like a hand in a jar - detached from the body. That is just gross!!!
We had fun today. Now you can tell everyone that "C3 church played the cowbell skit."
disclaimer: we edited the video to remove the cuss word. The one on here contains a word that rhymes with "bell"... view at your own discretion.
I was glad to be part of the team to help with the cowbell skit. But only you could fit it into a church service, nice....!:)
I think my gift is drama. I say we start a C3 drama team and do skits like this one every sunday? Who's in?
I can only imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice touch, Gary!
Now I'm curious how you worked that into the service.
it brought me to tears
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