Someone said:
"I am just thinking in my head"
... where else are you going to think?
"I am just speaking out loud"
... how else are you going to speak?
"can I ask you a question?"
... you mean ANOTHER one?
"I don't mean to interrupt"
... but you just did.
"I was gonna say"
... you were gonna say what?
"you want the truth?"
... nope I want you to continue lying!
I asked someone "who are the people in this picture?"
Response: (names made up to protect the person) "Ted, Mary, Jack, Susan and me"... thanks for pointing out which one was YOU - duh
My point: people say some really funny things. Listen and you will catch them. Feel free to make a sarcastic comment or just blog about them. I usually do both...
I'm not saying, I'm just saying...
Hahaha Gary, I am the WORST at saying - "I was gunna say!"
No one ever calls me out on it tho.
From my mother in law, "I'll let you go get that for me" when she needs something from the basement. To which I have been known to reply, "Well thank you for the opportunity." Don't get me wrong, she's a great lady just they have some weird sayings from where she is from, Buffalo.
are we there yet? (and kids aren't the only ones who ask that) and NO we are not there...if we were there we would NOT still be on the HIGHWAY!
Ok, so i have been faithfully blogging, where have you been? Ha Ha! tell deni i said hi.
From my mother-in-love,
Don't stand if you can sit, don't sit if you can lay...
Be good and if ya can' be good - behave.
But, what is have?
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